Torrington Middle School
Student Supply List
Grade 6
- Five 1 subject notebooks
- Five 2 pocket folders
- LOTS of pencils
- Headphones
- Multi-colored highlighters
- Post its
- Hand held pencil sharpener
- Colored pencils
- Ruler
- Erasers
Grade 7
- One pocket folder with 3 prongs
- Three 2 pocket folders
- Multi-colored highlighters
- Colored pencils
- LOTS of pencils
- Pencil case
- Headphones
- Four 1 subject notebooks
- Ruler
- Hand held pencil sharpener
- Eraser caps
- Pens
Grade 8
- Four pocket folders
- Four 1 subject notebooks
- Pens
- LOTS of pencils
- Multi-colored highlighters
- Erasers
- Hand held pencil sharpener
- Ruler
- Colored pencils
- Headphones
Please let the school know if you need support purchasing these items as assistance is available.